9 research outputs found

    Juegos de rol para design thinking en enseñanza basada en proyecto

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    La enseñanza basada en proyecto se debe basar en aprender las diferentes metodologías aplicables en diferentes fases del desarrollo del mismo. En la fase inicial de diseño del proyecto, design thinking es una de las metodologías más aceptadas. Para aprender esa metodología se ha diseñado un juego de rol y se ha hecho una experiencia en la asignatura Infraestructura Virtual del grado en Ingeniería Informática. En este trabajo trataremos de exponer en qué ha consistido la experiencia y los resultados, todavía iniciales, obtenidos

    Optimal Fuzzy Controller Design for Autonomous Robot Path Tracking Using Population-Based Metaheuristics

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    This researchwas funded by projects TecNM-5654.19-P and DemocratAI PID2020-115570GB-C22.In this work, we propose, through the use of population-based metaheuristics, an optimization method that solves the problem of autonomous path tracking using a rear-wheel fuzzy logic controller. This approach enables the design of controllers using rules that are linguistically familiar to human users. Moreover, a new technique that uses three different paths to validate the performance of each candidate configuration is presented. We extend on our previous work by adding two more membership functions to the previous fuzzy model, intending to have a finer-grained adjustment. We tuned the controller using several well-known metaheuristic methods, Genetic Algorithms (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), GreyWolf Optimizer (GWO), Harmony Search (HS), and the recent Aquila Optimizer (AO) and Arithmetic Optimization Algorithms. Experiments validate that, compared to published results, the proposed fuzzy controllers have better RMSE-measured performance. Nevertheless, experiments also highlight problems with the common practice of evaluating the performance of fuzzy controllers with a single problem case and performance metric, resulting in controllers that tend to be overtrained.TecNM-5654.19-PDemocratAI PID2020-115570GB-C2

    Emerging archetypes in massive artificial societies for literary purposes using genetic algorithms

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    The creation of fictional stories is a very complex task that usually implies a creative process where the author has to combine characters, conflicts and plots to create an engaging narrative. This work presents a simulated environment with hundreds of characters that allows the study of coherent and interesting literary archetypes (or behaviours), plots and sub-plots. We will use this environment to perform a study about the number of profiles (parameters that define the personality of a character) needed to create two emergent scenes of archetypes: "natality control" and "revenge". A Genetic Algorithm (GA) will be used to find the fittest number of profiles and parameter configuration that enables the existence of the desired archetypes (played by the characters without their explicit knowledge). The results show that parametrizing this complex system is possible and that these kind of archetypes can emerge in the given environment.This work has been supported in part by FPU research grant AP2009-2942 and projects EvOrq (TIC-3903), CANUBE (CEI2013-P-14) and ANYSELF (TIN2011-28627-C04-02)

    Experiencias en la asignatura Diseño y evaluación de configuraciones

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    En este trabajo se exponen las experiencias docentes que han tenido durante los últimos cinco años los profesores de la asignatura Diseño y Evaluación de Configuraciones, asignatura optativa de las Ingenierías Técnicas en Informática en la Universidad de Granada. Igualmente, también se comentan las herramientas utilizadas para gestionar dicha asignatura, intentando facilitar, tanto a los alumnos, como al profesor, todas las tareas propias de la misma. El principal objetivo de esta asignatura es dar una metodología para la evaluación de prestaciones (o rendimiento) de un ordenador. Se divide, a grosso modo, en tres partes: una parte dedicada a los monitores, o herramientas encargadas de medir la carga de un ordenador, otra parte dedicada a la mejora de prestaciones, y otra parte dedicada a la reproducción de la carga de un ordenador, los llamados benchmarks.Financiado por el proyecto EvOrq (TIC-3903) y la Beca FPU AP2009-294

    Chatbots and messaging platforms in the classroom: An analysis from the teacher’s perspective

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    Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. This work has been supported by EDUBOTS project, funded under the scheme Erasmus + KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Knowledge Alliances (grant agreement no: 612446).Messaging platforms are applications, generally mediated by an app, desktop program or the web, mainly used for synchronous communication among users. As such, they have been widely adopted officially by higher education establishments, after little or no study of their impact and perception by the teachers. We think that the introduction of these new tools and the opportunities and challenges they have needs to be studied carefully in order to adopt the model, as well as the tool, that is the most adequate for all parties involved. We already studied the perception of these tools by students, in this paper we examine the teachers' experiences and perceptions through a survey that we validated with peers, and what they think these tools should make or serve so that it enhances students learning and helps them achieve their learning objectives. The survey has been distributed among tertiary education teachers, both in universitary and other kind of tertiary establishments, based in Spain (mainly) and Spanish-speaking countries. We have focused on collecting teachers' preferences and opinions on the introduction of messaging platforms in their day-to-day work, as well as other services attached to them, such as chatbots. What we intend with this survey is to understand their needs and to gather information about the various educational use cases where these tools could be valuable. In addition, an analysis of how and when teachers' opinions towards the use of these tools varies across gender, experience, and their discipline of specialization is presented. The key findings of this study highlight the factors that can contribute to the advancement of the adoption of messaging platforms and chatbots in higher education institutions to achieve the desired learning outcomes.Universidad de Granada/CBUAErasmus + KA2, EDUBOTS 61244

    Estudio, aplicaciones y optimización mediante algoritmos genéticos de algoritmos neuronales de cuantización vectorial

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    En esta tesis se presenta un nuevo algoritmo de clasificación denominado g-lvq. Este algoritmo consiste básicamente en una optimización con pocos parámetros libres del algoritmo de clasificación supervisada lvq de kohonen. La optimización de la red neuronal lvq se lleva a cabo utilizando algoritmos genéticos, que son potentes métodos de optimización basados en la selección natural y la base molecular de la misma. Para optimizar una red lvq, se codifica cada red en un "cromosoma" y se crea una población de los mismos. Cada red es evaluada en una tarea de clasificación, y dependiendo de su éxito en esta tarea, se le asigna una puntuación que consiste en la exactitud en la clasificación, el tamaño final de la red, y la distorsión o error entre el conjunto de entrada y la red neuronal obtenida. Los "cromosomas" correspondientes a las redes neuronales con mas éxito se entrecruzaran y mutaran, dando lugar a nuevas redes que serán también evaluadas. Además, se introducen nuevos operadores genéticos, que permiten alterar la longitud de los cromosomas. Estos operadores aumentan la longitud de la red neuronal siempre que alguna neurona gane demasiadas veces para muestras de entrada, y se disminuye la longitud siempre que alguna neurona no gane nunca. El algoritmo g-lvq esta preparado para ejecutarse en arquitecturas de tipo hipercubo o rejilla de procesadores, ya que todas las operaciones sobre genomas y redes neuronales se realizan a nivel local. Los resultados obtenidos en tareas de clasificación mejoran sustancialmente a los obtenidos con otros algoritmos clásicos.Universidad de Granada, Departamento de Electrónica y Tecnología de Computadores. Leída 12-09-199

    The Simpsons did it: Exploring the film trope space and its large scale structure

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    Creating a story is a challenging task due to the the complex relations between the parts that make it up, which is why many new stories are built on those cohesive elements or patterns, called tropes that have been shown to work in the past. A trope is a recurring storytelling device or pattern, or sometimes a meta-element, used by the authors to express ideas that the audience can recognize or relate to, such as the Hero’s Journey. Discovering tropes and how they cluster in popular works and doing it at scale to generate new plots may benefit writers; in this paper, we analyze them and use a principled procedure to identify trope combinations, or communities, that could possible be successful. The degree of development of these different communities can help us identify areas that are under-developed and, thus, susceptible to such a type of development. To detect these communities, with their associated degree of development and interest, we propose a methodology based on scientometric and complex network analysis techniques. As a secondary objective, we will obtain a general perspective in the trope and films network: the tropesphere. We have used a dataset of 10,766 movies and 25,776 tropes associated with them, together with rating, genres and popularity. Our analysis has shown that not only there are different trope communities associated with specific genres, and that there are significant differences between the rating and popularity of these communities but also there are differences on the level of development between them: emerging/declining, specific, transversal or motor.DeepBio (TIN2017-85727-C4-2-P, lead by JJM)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España (ES)Project iScience (PID2019-105381GA-I00, leaded by MJCMinisterio español de Ciencia e Innovació

    Distributed and Asynchronous Population-Based Optimization Applied to the Optimal Design of Fuzzy Controllers

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    Data Availability Statement: All data and code are available with an open source license from https://github.com/mariosky/fuzzy-control (accessed on 17 January 2023).Designing a controller is typically an iterative process during which engineers must assess the performance of a design through time-consuming simulations; this becomes even more burdensome when using a population-based metaheuristic that evaluates every member of the population. Distributed algorithms can mitigate this issue, but these come with their own challenges. This is why, in this work, we propose a distributed and asynchronous bio-inspired algorithm to execute the simulations in parallel, using a multi-population multi-algorithmic approach. Following a cloud-native pattern, isolated populations interact asynchronously using a distributed message queue, which avoids idle cycles when waiting for other nodes to synchronize. The proposed algorithm can mix different metaheuristics, one for each population, first because it is possible and second because it can help keep total diversity high. To validate the speedup benefit of our proposal, we optimize the membership functions of a fuzzy controller for the trajectory tracking of a mobile autonomous robot using distributed versions of genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, and a mixed-metaheuristic configuration. We compare sequential versus distributed implementations and demonstrate the benefits of mixing the populations with distinct metaheuristics. We also propose a simple migration strategy that delivers satisfactory results. Moreover, we compare homogeneous and heterogenous configurations for the populations’ parameters. The results show that even when we use random heterogeneous parameter configuration in the distributed populations, we obtain an error similar to that in other work while significantly reducing the execution time.TecNM-15340.22-PDemocratAI PID2020- 115570GB-C2

    Estudio sobre algoritmos genéticos en la nube y el modelo de programación MapReduce

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    Este trabajo presenta el proyecto fin de carrera “Estudio sobre algoritmos genéticos en la nube y el modelo de programación MapReduce”. Durante el desarrollo de este proyecto se investigó en el uso y aplicación de Algoritmos Genéticos en distintos entornos de Cloud Computing, como el MapReduce o virtualización de instancias. Se ejecutaron distintas configuraciones de parámetros del algoritmo (como el tamaño de población o el tipo de crossover) en distintas instancias de Amazon Web Services. Los resultados muestran el efecto de estos parámetros al tipo de instancia utilizada.This paper shows the final degree project “A study of genetic algorithms in the cloud and the MapReduce model”. During the development of this project the usage and application of genetic algorithms in different Cloud Computing environments was investigated, such as MapReduce or virtualization. Different parameter configurations, such as the population size or crossover type, were launched in different instances of Amazon Web Services. Results show the effect of these parameters to the different types of used instances.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad.Financiado con los proyectos EvOrq (TIC-3903), Beca FPU AP2009-2942, ANY-SELF (TIN2011-28627-C04-02) y CANUBE (Proyecto 83 CEI-BIOTIC)